L E D B Y I S O L D E L A C H L A N (Choir Director)
Isolde has been leading choirs and teaching singing,
composition + creative music making for 20 years, training
with Sylvia Young Theatre School, Trinity & Guildhall, Leeds College of Music, SOAS, the Association of British Choral Directors, Frankie Armstrong (Natural Voice Network), Anne Marie Speed (Estill Methodology), Briggite Bereha (Accent Method), Guillermo Rozenthuler (Collaborative Vocal Improvisation), to name a few. In recent years, she has completed a Masters in Music Composition at Goldsmiths University, developing her artistic work as a songwriter, sound designer and choral composer with distinction. Alongside her love of music as an artform, Isolde has always been interested in the body, healing and personal development, training with the British Wheel of Yoga, Devon Masage Academy and more recently with the British Academy of Sound Therapy, Heather Lyle (Vocal Yoga) and Ben Grassby (NLP).​
Decending from a line of vicars, Isolde grew up singing in the church, where her first musical + spiritual home was vocal harmony. Her mission in her musical journey since has been to share this powerful experience of connection to self, other + 'God', in a nature-focused, 'Secular Gospel' way that brings the sacred into popular music for the purposes of personal, social and environmental wellbeing.