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W H O  T H I S  P R O J E C T  I S  F O R​​



Singers - whether pro, semi, aspiring or hobbyist, this is for you <3


Enthusiasts of soulful, progressive popular music, who are wishing to experience the connection of singing in a choir, and the creative potential of being part of a musical community. 


​Able vocalists who have are seeking to sing at an advanced level that attracts exciting opportunities to work with inspiring artists and collaborators, and who are able to invest in the personal practise + rehearsal process which makes this possible. 


Solid skills in rhythm, pitch, harmony, vocal technique, with desire to develop and grow as a singer. ​​

A love of people, and a healthy attitude towards collaboration.​​ A desire to use music to promote wellbeing, community and sustainability.​ â€‹



N.B. Please see our Equal Opportunities, Inclusion & Diversity, to understand what we are, and are not able to support.

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